RPSL-MUM-162186 (Valid Till : 07.09.2028)

Flag State Documentation

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Flag State Documentation

SailorsMarina Solutions Indus Pvt. Ltd. specialized in handling Seafarer’s Flag Documents. We act on behalf of Ship Owners, Ship Managers, Crew Manning Agencies , seafarers and Consultants. Our staff is highly experienced and well versed with shipping industry matters and receives regular training. Our aim deliver on time seafarers documentation and best quality service to our Ship Owners, Ship Managers, Crew Manning Agencies, seafarers and Consultants.

We process the following Flag State Documents:
  1. Indian
  2. Panama
  3. Liberian
  4. Palau
  5. Honduras
  6. St. Kits and Nevis
  7. Cook Island
  8. Marshall Island
We are assisted to get Following Documents
  1. Seafarer Licenses
  2. Full term COC
  3. COE
  4. CRA
  5. CDC
  7. Flag state documentation for merchant vessels
  8. Authorization of vessel equipment’s
  9. Crew Certification Support

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